Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 4.50.55 PMThe mind is all a person truly has. It is there when you wake in the morning and when you close your eyes at bedtime. It is there during all the hours in between, when the lights are out, and the world is at its most terrifying. 

Though you can lose it, it can’t be taken from you. It can be swayed, changed and convinced, but it is still yours. It can be open or closed, quick or slow. It can be a steel trap, a sponge or a black hole that swallows every thought.

It holds every desire, dream and memory you’ve ever had. It reminds you of every fear, failure and regret.

It has been called brilliant, sweet, devious, sinister and wicked. 

The mind controls all your thoughts and makes every decision. You can’t escape what’s in your head; you can’t escape your beautiful mind. 


A.J. Brown truly has a beautiful mind. His way with words in these 61 stories captivates you as they remind of us what it is to be human, to have feelings and emotions. The stories pull you in as he takes true to life events that make you recall bits and pieces of your own life, with a twist. He makes you feel pain and sorrow, wonder and awe, and fear at what would happen if … At times you will laugh out loud as I did. He has a way with words that make you feel at times you are living within the story, feeling and seeing as the character(s) do. Do I have favorites in the book? Most definitely. Did I mark each on the contents page? I did, and I encourage other readers to do so. You will find, as I did, a row of stars which I will reread again, like other favorite books on my shelves. Thank you, A.J., for giving your audience another purely captivating book to treasure.


Here is another collection of emotionally charged, character driven shorts by the talented A.J. Brown. He has the uncanny ability of turning any random idea into a brilliant story…he sure has a way with words. I highly recommend you pick up all of his books including this one and guarantee you will not be disappointed.


I was excited to get a copy of Author A. J. Brown’s book, Beautiful Minds. From the first page to the last page. Author A.J Brown weaves each story and take you on a journey through each of his characters by carefully carrying the reader through an array of words in which he transforms you into each of the places within each one of his characters. He is one Masterful storyteller and the meaning behind each of this collection is like no other and each one of these short stories will play in your minds for a long time.


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